
own technique, 54x25x15 cm, 2023


  • Physics of the Soft World, Sara Ilia, Zuzanna Grochowska, Sotto 63 Gallery, Warsaw 2023

Masks are representations, the quintessence of human emotions frozen in a single moment. They are shape-shifters, and their ultimate dimension and appearance depend on the owner, as they narrate a story about ourselves. Their purpose is to provide temporary shelter. They can contribute to both transformation and alienation. They exist on the border between two worlds: the inner realm of an individual and the surrounding world, granting them the privilege of looking both outside and within. In accordance with this concept, the title ‘Masks’ was created — a figure with an abstract shape, whose elements are enclosed in a mirrored reflection. The arrangement of the sculpture allows the viewer to look only inside, without the possibility of embodying any role or freezing the world in a particular expression. They operate by absorbing and reflecting light, imitating the changing nature of humans.